Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Here's a couple of cards I did a while ago that I forgot to post. The bottom one is a birthday card I gave to my boyfriend, and the top one is a commissioned card I did. I think there was an inside joke that I was not in on. I'm sure the person receiving it would have gotten it though...

I like doing cards on print-making paper and just doing a line drawing with pens, colouring it in with pencil crayons and sometimes using thread to make borders and stuff.


Chika Ando said...

awwwww!!!! Heather!!! You're the cutest! You're so in love! so funny you drew way bigger than Sean.

Heather Reinhardt said...

Hahaha! Yeah... That wasn't really intentional. I didn't plan it at all and that is just kind of what happened. Oh figure drawing. Not my strong point.