Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I made a photo album!

For my sister's birthday I made a photo album of the trip we went on in 2009. I learned how to do what's called coptic binding and had a lot of fun sewing the book together and making the covers and then arranging and gluing in the pictures (over 300 of them!). These are just a few of the spreads that I liked the most.

Her birthday is in April and I just gave it to her a couple of weeks ago, so you can gauge from that how much longer it took than I thought it would... I really am horrible at estimating the time involved for some projects...

Friday, August 13, 2010


Wow! It's been an awesome (except for the weather) and super busy summer! I've had a couple of jobs come up, the latest being an illustration for an ad agency in Montreal! Oh boy! I'll be posting pictures of that when the project is done. Exciting!

But, for now, here's some random pages from my sketchbook I've been meaning to post for a while now.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Alphabet at Ampersand; A Collaboration with CHIKA!!!

My dear friend Miss Chika Ando and I just finished a collaborative piece that will be in the show Ampersand 2, at the Untitled Art Society Main Gallery (4th Floor, 319 - 10 Ave SW, Back Alley Entrance, Calgary).

We created an alphabet of adjectives that can be used to describe people. For each letter we chose a word that Chika was unfamiliar with and then made up a sentence and drew a picture illustrating the sentence. This is one of our favourites!

The show is on for three days. Today and Friday from 12-4, and on Saturday there's a reception party with the artists in attendance from 7-11pm. Come on out and see our lovely alphabet! And all the other neat collaborations!